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venerdì 21 agosto 2009

World Hmanitary Day

World Humanitarian Day
18 August 2009
Posted by Alan O Reilly on 18 Aug 2009
--> in global conflict natural disasters emergencies

On 19 August 2003, 22 humanitarian aid workers were killed by a bomb which targeted the UN headquarters in Baghdad. In recognition of this tragedy, the United Nations General Assembly has designated 19 August as World Humanitarian Day.
It is intended that this day will increase public awareness about humanitarian activities. It will also give special recognition to all humanitarian workers – especially those who have lost their lives in responding to disasters.
Concern’s responsibility
As a humanitarian agency, Concern has a responsibility to save lives and reduce the suffering of those who are affected by crises around the world. Last year, Concern responded to 34 emergencies in 18 countries, directly assisting an estimated 2.7 million people. This included the delivery of vital programmes in the areas of nutrition and sanitation, and the provision of seeds, tools and shelter. Funding for this important work came from the generosity of the public and from governments.
Challenging times
Concern works in an increasingly challenging environment. In 2008, there were 321 natural disasters worldwide. These affected more than 211 million people and caused more than $180 billion in damage. In addition, there were 39 major conflicts.
Natural disasters
Climate change is already having a major affect on the world’s most vulnerable people. According to the UN, approximately 70% of natural disasters are now climate related. Climate change and the global rise in food prices have contributed to the fact that now more than a billion people are under-nourished.
Security issues
In seeking to respond to these problems, Concern is challenged by issues of security. 2008 was the most dangerous year on record for humanitarian workers: at least 260 humanitarian aid workers were killed, kidnapped or seriously injured. According to a recent report by the Centre on International Cooperation in New York and the Overseas Development Institute in London, aid work is now more dangerous than peacekeeping.
Conflict and crisis
Concern’s ability to respond to these disasters is being tested by increasing needs on the one hand, and reduced security and funding on the other. Those most affected are the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people. As well as honouring humanitarian workers who have lost their lives, World Humanitarian Day highlights the plight of the millions of people who suffer as a result of conflict and crisis.

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